Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Hello, Happiness, my old friend. Did you miss me?

I feel good. I feel happy. I know it's just a mood swing, in a few minutes my mind will turn against me, but I don't really have the ability to care. A lot of things are going well in my life. I've lost weight, I cut my hair, I'm seeing friends tomorrow for swimming and horror movies, life feels manageable for the first time in a while.

Next spring I'm going on a trip to the UK with some of my schoolmates and fellow literature enthusiasts. I am going to spend ten days surrounded by books and rain and fantastic accents, and by fantastic accents, I mean fan-fucking-tastic accents. We are going to Scotland for part of it.

I am happy, and I don't really have much more to say about it.


  1. I'm glad you're feeling happy for now, Clara. Also, TRIP TO THE UK OH MY GOD THAT SOUNDS AWESOME!
