Saturday, July 7, 2012

Surprise Zombies. Fan. Tas. Tic.

This past week has been rather... eventful, to say the least. I don't even remember most of it except for a disoriented blur aided by lack of sleep and an overdose of caffeine, and the often appearance of the name Elspeth Moonfeather. But let's start at the beginning.

In the past month or so, my sister and I have been discovering the wonderful new world of Star Trek: The Next Generation and in doing so, we tend to stay up until the wee hours of the morning watching the adventures of Capt. Jean Luc Piccard and talking about how incredibly awesome Brent Spiner is. This paired up with the fact that we then get up at ten in the morning to do chores and, in my case Algebra, leaves us stumbling around the house in a bit of a daze. This sets the scene for the past week.

As anyone who looked at a calendar on Wednesday will tell you, it was the Fourth of July. Which probably isn't a big deal for most people, but I happen to live in America, so, of course, everything was awash in red, white, and blue. I tend to interpret the feelings of the American independence day as such: Today is the anniversary of the day when we became a country and gave freedom to wealthy, white landowners with respectable backgrounds AND NO-ONE ELSE. Let us all celebrate with mini hot dogs and Doritos! I wore a special T-shirt that I got at FanimeCon for the occasion. It has a picture of America from Axis Powers Hetalia with a caption that says "I am a Hero!"

I felt it was appropriate.

So we stayed up and watched Bollywood movies and Community and Holy Musical B@man! until late because that's the American, not quite Canadian, most of us are Mexican way, and because we had seen The Amazing Spider-man earlier that day, and were in a superhero kind of mood. (By the by, Spider-man, much like surprise zombies, can be describe by three syllables; Fan. Tas. Tic.) And that sums up Wednesday.

Then, on Thursday something brilliant happened. I got a book.

I don't know how many of you read Sarah Reese Brennan's work, (and if you don't, GET THEE TO A LIBRARY!) but she just released a book that she collaborated with Justine Larbalestier to make called Team Human. I am an enormous fan of SRB's, so, of course, I did what any self respecting book nerd would do; I constructed a blanket fort and stayed up until six in the morning reading, at which point I promptly collapsed onto the pages of my book.

I am a lady of the highest class.

I finished it later on Friday, and I must say, the lack of sleep? So. Totally. Worth it. My mother, my sister, and I spent the evening in a nostalgia fest in which we watched all the cartoons that we loved as kids (and adults, in Mom's case) and ate Popsicles and peaches. And that leads me to now. 3:00 on a chilly Saturday morning with a cup of tea and a blanket, feeling so tired, but with miles to go before I sleep.
And miles to go before I sleep.


  1. Honestly, you may have slept more than I did this week. Ugh, jetlag.

    But that still sounds like an amazing week!

  2. Hi,

    I know you haven't posted in a while, but I just wanted to say that I really like your blog. It's really fun to read and I like the Nerdfightastic/Whovianful/other wonderful things you post. I would really encourage you to continue writing small tidbits of your life, because it really makes my own life richer.


