Sunday, December 9, 2012

Thank you.

Hi. I haven't posted in a long, long time, but I swear, there's a reason. Or rather several.

1. I went on a college trip with my mother and my sister for her to look at colleges in Oregon, Washington, and Canada. Ten day road trip. There was many an argument between the elder of the participants in this journey and I got a crap ton of knitting completed.

2. My first year of high school started. Holy crap in a mosh pit. I seem to be getting even less sleep than I was previously (if that's possible) and the homework NEVER FREAKING ENDS. I do have excellent teachers though and my classes are shockingly fascinating except for biology. I love the subject, but the teacher makes me want to kill someone. as my girlfriend said, "I learned more by drawing a dragon in class than I would actually listening to her.")

3. And speaking of which, I got a girlfriend! Clara has gained 62 exp points and has moved on to level 12!

4. My friend lent me Pokemon Red. 'Nuff said.

5. I blame YouTube. And Tom Milsom. I spent 13 hours yesterday listening to every single Tom Milsom song I could find on Bandcamp and drawing.

6. I am a lazy procrastinating bastard.

"Well, then. Why are you posting now? You've waited so long, why now?"
Someone commented on a blog post saying that they missed this blog. That it made them happy, and that caused me to realize that something that has never happened to me before is happening right now.  Someone is listening to me. someone is thinking about the same things I think about, taking my opinions into consideration. And that's scary. To think that I am communicating to people, be it many, a few, or just one is possibly the most frightening and most wonderful thing I have ever pondered. And I promise to post more often. I have a commitment now.

So, thanks, Shira. And don't worry, surviving is an instinct. Soon, you'll be able to do it without even thinking about it.

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