Monday, June 18, 2012

The Fault in Ourselves

Hi... I know I haven't updated in a while, but stuff's been goin' down and I've been rather busy. We moved into the new place! In fact, the last day of owning the old home was the day before yesterday. It was... Tough to say goodbye, but I try not to think about it. I saw the Avengers the other day, and I must say it was kind of epic. It had battle scenes and sexy badass women and aliens. Alex Day was right when he said that it was like they asked a ten-year-old boy what was cool and put it into a movie. Seriously. EPIC. On a severely less happy note, I think my parents are falling apart. It started a while back, and it didn't seem too bad, just a rough patch, but now... I don't know. Someone is always frustrated, or angry, or fighting. I honestly think that if my dad didn't work all day, my parents would be divorced. I just finished re- reading The Fault in our Stars by John Green for the umpteenth time, and there was a part that really only hit me for the first time: when Hazel calls upon "...a statistic I wish I didn't know: half of marriages end in the year after a child's death." it made me think, maybe the only reason why most marriages stay together is because of a child. The parents think "I have to do this for them" and so they suffer through it. I have never really believed in true love. I believe that you can love many different people for many different lengths of time, but I do not believe that there is someone you are fated to be with for the rest of your days. You can make it work with lots of people, but the person you should marry should be the one who keeps making it work. There is no such thing as true love. Only continual love. Goodbye, and for those who recognize this, Okay.

1 comment:

  1. I loved TFiOS. Like, a lot. It's possible we can only unconditionally love things and not people. Continual love for books and computers. I like that.

    I caught that line the first time I read it, and it's very sad but you can tell why. I'm sorry about your parents.

    You're lucky you got to see The Avengers. I really want to.

