Sunday, June 23, 2013

It's five in the morning. I guess you could say that I'm up early, but only if you completely disregard the fact that I never actually fell asleep. I tried for a few hours, got up and had a mug of tea and drew things, read for a few hours, then just gave up and started writing this. I do this a lot. It's gotten to the point where I have pages and pages in my sketchbook filled with drawings that I make at three in the morning and coffee and tea rings from where I set my mug down on my paper. I once went three days without sleeping just because I wasn't tired. Of course, at the end of it I passed out on a book, but before that, I just couldn't sleep. I never can, really.

I was talking to a friend of mine once, and she told me about how she always plans out anything she writes before she writes it. Do people actually do that? I've always made things up as I go along. I believe it's more effective at capturing thoughts and emotions. I don't plan, I rarely edit, I just write. Part of that may be because I am one lazy piece of shit, but the capturing the essence bit was good, let's go with that.

I'm so fucking sick. Read that however you want, they're all true.