Sunday, February 5, 2012

Kill me now.

I'm sick. I am really, really sick. I woke up this morning with a searing head Churnoble and a tummy ache. The tummy problem I tried to solve by eating something. It worked for a while, until ten, at which point I promptly puked. I will never look at Cheerios the same way ever again. After that happened, I made myself some tea and sat down with a copy of Fareignheight 451 until my parents found me about 10 minutes later. I tried to speak to them. They were duly horrified. Not from my story, they couldn't tell what I was saying. I think it was the fact that I sounded like a Teradactyl with bronchitis, crying alone in a cave. It was sad. On a happier note, it's Superbowl Sunday, which for our family means Anti-Superbowl time! We are going to sit and eat snacks and watch movies that we pull out of a fez. Throw as many Korean action movies in there as you want, Dad! I'm watching Victor/Victoria and Doctor Who! Bring it, larengytis!

1 comment:

  1. Wait, it was Superbowl Sunday??? So THAT'S why my friend was so excited to watch the Patriots play...I'm sorry, I'm at a total disconnect from football, being halfway across the world for six months...but I never watched football anyway, so.

    I hate being sick - that sounds absolutely miserable. I'm not usually as sick as you, but I can't deal with colds, so I'm not that well of I guess.

    I wish I could watch Doctor Who. I basically have gone on YouTube and watched clips and also asked my friend to watch with her. I look at wiki pages. But my family is anti-television/netflix, so I can't really do much else, though I could see if the library has DVDs when I get back. Oh well for now.
