Monday, May 27, 2013

A Rant.

Okay, listen up. I'm pissed. I am so fucking done with people being insensitive little shits and using things like 'bipolar' as insults. As someone who has bipolar disorder, hearing someone say, "Stop being so bipolar" in an argument really fucking pisses me off. It is a disorder. It's not like it's something I can control, If I could stop changing moods at the drop of a hat, I would. I don't enjoy being confident one minute and wanting to kill myself the next, it's not fun for me. And just hearing people use what I have as an insult, that stings. Gay should not be used as an insult. There is a reason why people yell at you when you call something retarded. Neither of these things can be controlled, neither of them are a choice and that is why they should not be insults and that is why bipolar should not be an insult. Why are most insults based on things that are out of our control? You throw like a girl. I just had a total blonde moment. You are so white.

Why can't you see this is a bad thing?

Okay. I'm done.

Thursday, May 23, 2013



It's been a while.

There is a reason for that. Several, really. Most of them are health related. My father's health has never been exactly great, but it recently took a turn for the worse, and now he has oxygen that he carries around in a tank fed to his nose via cannula. My health has been quite shitty recently as well.

When I was a child, I had the immune system of a fucking rock. Now, suddenly I have allergies. I have to take medicine, I have asthma, I need glasses, I'm getting sick every month, when did I become such a delicate butterfly? My mental health has taken a nosedive as well, and that's more than a little unsettling. My mother saw the scars on my arm. She cried. I cried. She asked if I only just started. I told her she only just noticed. She's trying to get me to see a shrink.

I don't want to write about this anymore.

Last month was my birthday. My girlfriend baked me a carrot cake and got me roses and an enormous cup of coffee. She knows me so well :)

I reread Fahrenheit 451. It was even more awesome than I remember. I mean, holy shit, just read this:

“There are too many of us, he thought. There are billions of us and that’s too many. Nobody knows anyone. Strangers come and violate you. Strangers come and cut your heart out. Strangers come and take your blood. Good God, who were those men? I never saw them before in my life!”

If you haven't read it, read it. Right now. The movie is crap, but read it. Also Will Grayson Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan. And, fuck it, I'll make a list.