Friday, December 30, 2011


Holy friggin profanity! I just checked my e-mail and there was a little, glorious, fantastic paragraph saying that I JUST GOT TWO COMMENTS! That's right, not one, but two wonderful little comments! I haven't been this excited since, well I can't actually remember! Thank you! Thank you thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou- I could go on for a while, but my wrist is starting to cramp up, but I have one last thing to say:


More reasonable part of my brain: Okay, that's enough.


More reasonable part of my brain: SHUT UP.

Me: -Ay?

More reasonable part of my brain: Better.

Best wishes, and thanks again!

One-sided conversations

So today I took a little trip down here. This is what happened:

Me: La la la, oh! Maybe I'll just check on my blog, post something new...

Blog: Hi!

Me: Hello! Do I have any followers yet? Let's just check...

Blog: No.


Me: (spirit cracks)

Normally, that wouldn't be so bad (my soul is a relatively fast healer), but then this happened:

Me: (Struggling to look past cracks in soul) okay, well are there any comments?

Blog: (Now cheerfully smiling in the face of my despair) Nope!


Me: (Soul cracks a little more and pieces start to fall off) None? Not on any of my posts? Not even on-

Blog: No.


Me: (Soul shatters into tiny snowflakes that then melt. And burst into flame)

That's right; I have been having a completely one-sided conversation.
You would not believe how often that happens to me. Actually, I'll give you a hint: A LOT. Whether it's because I ramble on too much, or I stutter, I constantly find myself talking to someone, only to turn and find them talking to someone else or reading a book, or worse, just pretending to listen while they're actually day-dreaming. Observe:

Me: -I mean, can you believe it?

Master conversationalist: Hm.

Me: Also, on a more recent note, I have scaled Mount Everest and am sleeping with your cat.

Master conversationalist: Huh.

Me: Are you even listening?

Master conversationalist: Hmmm. That's not good.

Me: I'm just going to go sit in that corner and cry.

Master conversationalist: Ha ha ha! You're so funny!


Labels: Ouch

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Guilty pleasures.

Have you ever had the incessant need to just read, or watch, or listen to something really horrible even though it just makes you feel so guilty Inside? Of course you have. They're called guilty pleasures.

The most important thing to know is that everybody has them. That's right, when your boss locks himself up in his office, he's probably listening to Korean boy bands on his computer. But hey, don't laugh, you probably have the cravings too. Hell, you two could probably get together and argue about which band is better, or bond over a shared love of SHINee or something. Hey! You could go out for drinks!

But the thing about guilty pleasures is that you almost always feel better when you come clean about them to someone. So, that's what I'm doing with one of mine.

That's right. I'm a sucker for crappy romantic comedies. Midnight in Paris, Valentine's Day, Paradise Island, I've seen them all. And what's worse? I cried during every single one. I'm in deep, but Sometimes you need a break from reality, you need a break from the fact that these things probably will never happen. To stop thinking about the won't and start pondering the maybe. John Green once said, "That true love will always triumph in the end may or may not be true, but if it's a lie, it's the most beautiful lie we have."
That is why I watch rom-coms.
Because, yes, none of these things are likely to happen. No one is likely to travel across countries to track down their true love. Nobody is waiting 20 years for someone to realise that they were the one all along. But sometimes, in those crazy cases that happen once in a hundred years, it does happen. People wait. People turn around, they look back, and magic happens. And sure, these things are rare, and might never happen to you, bit even if it's a one on a million chance, it's still possible.

Best wishes!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Good Goddess, I'm lazy.

It's been a while since I last posted, and I really don't have an excuse. In fact, the only reason why I'm writing this now is because I just read my mom's yearly Christmas letter, and it made me want to write. My mom makes these really long Christmas letters every year, and they always are filled with humor and nostalgia and always end with these statements that sort of make you sit back and think. Just think. What it makes people think about, I believe varies from person to person, but me? It made me want to finish the things I start, and while I know that no one is following this set of ramblings, if you read, I'll wright.
You with me?