Thursday, October 13, 2011

The lack of 'e' is intentional.

Hi there! My name is Theo and I, I... I don't know what to say. So I'm just gonna say this; HOLY CRAPOLY! I am writing a blog! An actual blog that people might read! So anyway, I reviewed the name of this blog with some of my friends and, of course, they asked "Where's the e in pie?" (cue the head-desk) so, just for those who do not get it, I am referring to the irrational number 3.141592 ect., ect. Not the dessert. This actually stems from a joke that I personally think is hilarious. Wanna hear? No you don't, or maybe you do! In that case... What do you get when you multiply a pumpkin's circumference by it's radius? PUMPKIN PI! It's nerdy and it makes me feel happy. And that's not the only joke I have! But you probably dont want to hear all of them (at least not now) so I'll keep that part under wraps. As for the Hyperons part, I love physics, heck, I love science in general! But doubtlessly you have more important and interesting things to do than listen to me wax lyrical about Newton and Arsenic (a favourite element of mine) and electrons... So best wishes! (For now)


  1. What do you get when you multiply a pumpkin's circumference by it's radius?
    Forgive me, I had to.

  2. Thank you for pointing that out! My computer is just really thick and it automatically corrects you if you spell 'it's' without an apostrophe. I've never really noticed it before, but thank you for bringing it to my attention, I'll get crackin' on it!

    Best Wishes!
