Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Good, the Bad(-ish), and the Freaking Awesome

So I have a few pieces of news to share with you:

1: 58 page views. FIFTY-EIGHT. Holy trucks, Batman, is that a lot! But still, and I'm not complaining (much), but only 3 different people have commented (one of which is me), and I have 1 follower. I don't really mind about the followers, but the comments... I realize that 3 is a good starting point, but still... it could be something as simple as "U Suk" (though please use proper spelling and grammar. Please), but even though that would make me cry over a bag of Skittles in a corner, it would tell me that you wasted some valuable time on being negative towards me, which means that you read a bit of my blogs, so thank you.

 2: I went to the Nerdfighter event in Redwood, CA last night. Awesome does not begin to describe what that was. Even though everybody was overtired and high off of caffine, it was amazing. I got a lot of audio, which I will put on here after I find out how to get it off of my phone. It's mostly Hank singing, but at one point, John joins in! That's right, I got to hear John I-Never-Sing-No-Matter-How-Much-You-Bribe-Me Green sang to 500 Miles. Be jealous. At the end, Everyone got their books and CD's signed (I got a purple drawing of a startled anglerfish in my copy of The Fault in Our Stars), and They commented on my earrings. I made special ones for the occasion that were of my drawings of the Vlogbrothers in chibi, and showed them off. This is what they said:

 John: Thank you for making you part of your ear.

 Hank: Oh, I'm cute!

 It was pretty jokes.

As for my reaction to seeing them, it was weird. For a while I just had to realize that these are people. I mean, you get that they are real from the vlogs, but when you see them in person, it just sort of hits you that this is not an act. This is who they are. They are people who make mistakes, who have faults and fears just like us. They are horribly, terribly, wonderfully, beautifully human. And yes, they may stutter and stumble and and get shy, so do we, but the difference between us is that they know that they will do this and yet they still walk up on that stage and say, " This is me." They are brave enough to know that they are going to fail, and fail, and fail, but they know that each and every fail is worth infinitely more than all the successes in the world combined. We are fools whether we dance or not, so we may as well dance. They take this to heart, and that is more than I can say about the rest of the world.

Best wishes, and DFTBA.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Dr. Jellyfish?

So, how many people here have heard about the immortal jelly fish (stares out at empty classroom)? All righty then! So for those of you who don't know, a group of jellyfish was discovered as immortal. Basically, whenever it mates, it reverts back to its adolescent state to grow up before mating again, thus making it keep on living until something kills it. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? That's right; IT'S DOCTOR WHO! THE DOCTOR IS A JELLYFISH! I mean, it reverts back to it's childlike form (regenerates) and lives again! This is a time for celebration! All around the world, little nerds are pointing toward the faces of rather confusesd others and clutching an article in the hand not pointing while screaming "HA! It IS real!"
It sure is, kid. It sure is.

Best wishes!